General Contact Form
If you have general comments or questions concerning our group of companies, please use this contact form.
Personal Data Protection Policy
Powrex has certain measures in place to protect information that distinguishes between individuals (Personal Data Protection Policy).
This policy is a standard for Powrex business activities and what we believe is a social obligation.
Personal Data Protection Policy
1.Collecting, using and providing personal data
(1)Personal data is acquired by legal and honest means.
(2)Powrex shall always clearly state our goals for using personal data and use it only within the scope of those goals.
(3)With the exclusion of lawful requisition or preconsent from the user, Powrex shall never disclose or give information to a third party and only use the personal data within the scope shown below under "Goals of Use".
(4)In the case a company requests the personal data, Powrex shall be obligated to protect the data and manage it in the appropriate manner.
2.Preventing illegal access to and loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal data
Powrex shall manage personal data strictly and perform security countermeasures to ensure the data is not illegally accessed, lost, destroyed, falsified or leaked.
3.Observing laws and regulations for protecting personal data
Powrex executives, employees and workers shall observe the laws and regulations for personal data beginning with the protection laws for individuals.
4.Improving the regulations for protecting personal data
Powrex shall improve regulations to protect personal data and educate its staff to do so.
5. Disclosure, amendment and deletion of personal data
If Powrex receives a request to disclose, amend or delete data related to personal data protection, unless there is a special reason not to do so, the request shall be suitably met after checking the identity of the requestee.
Contact Powrex is you have a request to disclose, amend or delete personal data.
Goals of Use
1.Collecting, using and providing personal data
Powrex shall not use personal data for which personal consent has been acquired in advance outside the scope of the goals of use, except in cases for which its handling is approved as exceptions to laws or regulations relating to the protection of personal data.
Personal data acquired by Powrex shall be used for the following purposes.
(1)Sales guidance relating to Powrex products and services.
(2)Questionnaire investigations to improve customer satisfaction and for planning and developing products.
(3)To perform duties required for answering customer enquiries and fast response services.
(4)Quick and correct support for enquiries to our service section, and if necessary, to provide information to Powrex groups, affiliates and vendors.
(5)Shareholder management
(6)For employment purposes (includes recruitment) and personnel management
(7)Other, explicitly stated goals of use given when acquiring personal data
Head Quarters 5-5, Kitagawara 5-chome, Itami-city, Hyogo-pref., 664-0837, Japan Phone: +81-72-778-7301 (Main)
Tokyo Branch Kandasudacho Place 6F,1-9 Kandasudacho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-0041, Japan
Toyama Office Tamura Building, 5-24 Sougawa 1-chome, Toyama-city, Toyama-pref., 930-0083, Japan

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